

The world of social media has been dominated by Instagram, with more than 800 million users. When Instagram was first introduced it was nothing more than a picture sharing app. It’s remarkable how Instagram changed itself from posting selfies to complete marketing platform. From e-commerce to media, it provides opportunities to grow your business. Instagram offers so many new tools for businesses to grow like IGTV, shoppable Instagram posts, advanced analytics, swipe up feature, etc. To be a head of your Instagram game, you need to know few tips and tricks.

Use free Instagram tools:

It’s really important to know about user interactions on posts as it helps you to modify your content increase engagement. Instagram offers insights in its professional profile in which users can view data related to likes, engagement, impressions, etc. Instagram insights provides you all the information about followers including location, age, active hours, gender, etc. These insights are not just generalized but instead they can be specified per week or per post. They also specify top post and impressions per post. These priceless tools helps you to know your user better and interact better.

Use Hashtags in your captions:         

The other very effective tip for Instagram marketing is using a correct set of hashtags in the caption on your post. Captions are as important as images and it’s essential to write the captions which may drive user’s engagement. While choosing the hashtag you can use more than one approach. For starters, you can make your own brand specific hashtag. Then you can use the hashtag which already exists. Different hashtags can be used for different campaigns. The right set of hashtags help your post to reach the right audience and get engagement.

Run targeted ads:

Instagram allows you to reach to the people who don’t follow your account by running targeted ads. You can use right demographics i.e. location, age, interest, gender, etc. to choose the right audience for the ad. This ad is sponsored and you have to pay for it. It’s worth the money as running sponsored, targeted ads help to reach new audience and drive sales.

Collaborate with influencers:

Influencers have great impact on the followers and it’s always effective to collaborate with them for promoting your brand. To followers, influencers are most knowledgeable and recommendations matter a lot. It’s the fastest way to get potential customers as influencers already have the large following. Apart from direct sales, building relationship with influencers provide long-term benefits as creating brand awareness among new followers.

Post at the right times and avoid over-posting:

There is a very thin line between the consistent posting and over posting, and over posting can lead to an increase of unfollows. As much as t’s important to stay connected with consistent posts it’s also important not to irritate people with over-posting. The best way to post is figure out the peak hours and days when people are online. As per the researches, the best days for posting are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, while the worst day is Sunday. It’s better to post 1-2 times per day, and the active hours are between 8:00am-9:00am and 1:00am to 2:00am.

It’s important to stay ahead of the game, as Instagram is taking over all the other social media platforms. You need to get your scoop from billions of Instagram likes handed out by users. For following the above mentioned tips, it can be really effective.