If you want true success (however that may look for you) you need to live a life that requires a lot of energy. After all, success comes to those that work for it.
There is a saying that you are the result of the 5 closest people you associate yourself with every day. You are surrounded every day with blood-sucking vampires who live on stealing the optimism out of you every…single…day.
You need to pick out the people who are right for you and start removing those that demotivate you and want nothing less than to see you fail in life.
There are 3 types of people to look out for:
The people who are like angels and who give you a lift every day
These are the people who make you smile and motivates you to do more every time you talk or have any interaction with them. These people should be checked for cheerfulness and not based entirely on success. Some people are earning so much money, but they lack the part where they are truly happy in their life.
Associating yourself with successful people who love what they do will only bode well for you. The type of people who will bend over backward to make sure you are satisfied. These types of people are rare. If you can keep them close, then it will bode well in making yourself a successfully driven individual on your own.
Those with whom you have little or no interaction with
They have no real impact on your life, positive or negative. They play no other role other than the times where you meet one of them at your local supermarket. Everyone has this person in their life. It is not a factor of you letting go of them because they make no real impact in your life.
We talking about friends with who you were close but have now never spoken within more than a few years. The people whom you never see every day and may only see every once in a blue moon.
The bloodsucking vampires who drag you down and beat you up
My girlfriend had a toxic family all her life. They constantly put her down every single day. They were sucking the life out of her slowly.
One day on a cold winter’s day, she decided she had enough of this constant trauma and moved into my place. She distanced from those blood-sucking people in her life (even if it were her parents) so that she could push forward. In the beginning, it was hard because after all; they are her family. She cried every night for a solid month at the abandonment she felt. This kind of choice is no easy thing, and this is why most people will never find success because they are not brave enough to make the harder decisions.
Not even a few months later, she is close to opening her own lampshade business and living life, happy as can be. Regular exercise, healthy eating, improving every single day. This is what that decision brought. And to top it off, she still keeps in contact with her family without bringing them too close to what she is doing.
Now I am not saying you should never speak with your family ever again. I am saying, create a space where they no longer influence what you need to do to change your life around.
“They are family and you don’t do that to your family” is what you may say. Well, how about you turn that around and point that to the amount of negative energy they constantly feed you every day? The same applies to everyday friends. No matter how much loyalty you may have, if they are draining you and sucking every bit of optimism out of you, cut them out.
Nothing will come out of living with people who want nothing more than for you to be as miserable as they are. The hardest part of it all is that it requires a special person to make this decision. Anyone can make a success and this is one of the first steps you will make in wanting a successful life filled with your heart’s desires.

Liam is a self-taught copywriter and blogger. A family man with an unhealthy obsession for business and football. He has a degree in Sports Science and Business Management. The ultimate dream is to become a highly successful entrepreneur with many successful businesses that contribute to bettering humanity.