Choosing your career is one of the most stressful things we can ever face in our adult lives. This single decision can make or break our entire future. Unfortunately, for most of us, we come across this question when we’re not yet ready to answer, even though we must. This can lead to wrong decisions, which stick us in a dead-end job, and let’s face it… we usually end up regretting it.
But, you don’t have to worry anymore. There are just a few questions that you must ask before you decide a career for yourself as an entrepreneur. The questions are mentioned below, just take a look:
1. What are You Passionate About?
Everybody has something that they have loved to do since their childhood. We’ve heard a lot of times that we should follow our dreams and passions. There are many people who have a clear identification of their love and passion, but there are just as many confused. They might have a passion, but think it may be too difficult to turn it into a business. For people like these, it isn’t important or possible that you get what you want the second you step into your professional life. You would have to break it down into steps. Be the expert that your dream job requires and you’ll have a career of your dreams walk up to your doorstep.
2. Are you prevention – or – promotion focused?
Being motivated to wake up and go to work is very important. There are many reasons for one to be motivated, but generally, there are two types of motivations on the job:
Promotion-focused professionals are creative people and entrepreneurs. They seize every opportunity, think abstractly, and work at a higher pace than their peers. The bad thing about them is that they can be overly optimistic, impulsive, and are likely to make bigger mistakes.
Prevention-focused professionals are almost the opposite of the former. They maintain the status-quo and always secure their success. They prefer reliability, planning, and analytical thinking, and sometimes could care less about being promoted, so long as they have job-stability.
3. What’s the Best Suited Environment for You?
To get a better idea of what your job type should be, you need to determine if you are an introvert or an extrovert.
If you are attracted to a more peaceful workplace, you’re likely to be an introvert. And if you like to thrive in a loud and busy office, you’re going to have to be an extrovert. Teamwork and frequent contact with your clients is also something to be kept in consideration.
But as long as you are passionate about what you want to do, it shouldn’t matter. Everything that drives you or bottles you up is inside your head, and you can control what happens if you just accept that uncertainty of life is always present.
4. What do You Want Your Future to Be Like?
Almost every job starts with less time and demands more of it. But after a while, you can get where you want to go if you have chosen the right career.
The goal here is not to go for a job with the highest salary, but for the one that will make you feel the most comfortable and satisfied when you perform your daily tasks. If you are more satisfied by giving back to people and your community, you may like the role of a social activist. But if you want to travel more, eat out, party, or have more time on your hands, then a higher paying sales job would be more suitable. You decide. It’s your life.
He’s a university student with a cluster of thoughts that he loves to write down.