

Land your First Client as a Freelancer in 1 Week with No Experience


Starting a career or switching careers is overwhelming at any stage of life. Whether you are graduating and about to step into the practical world or you are going through a midlife crisis and desperately want to switch careers for your sanity, the pressure is always frantic. Things are more complicated and seem impossible if […]

Master the Art of Success: 5 Habits to Adopt from Highly Successful People

successful people

Sometimes achieving success seems like an elusive goal. How are some people are far more successful than others? Waking up at 4 am and taking cold showers don’t set them apart. But a few realistic and smart habits make them success magnets. Let’s see what these habits are and how they can help you to […]

Building your Personal Brand: Why it Matters and How to Get Started

personal branding

A crazy amount of likes and a massive fan base – that was my idea of a personal brand a few years ago. It’s kind of true but personal branding is much more than vanity metrics like impressions, likes, comments and followers. Gone are the days, when a personal brand was linked to celebrities and […]

Copywriting: How To Find Your First Client When You Have No Experience

For many beginner copywriters, the hardest part is finding that first job that makes you your first money. There comes a time when you are comfortable enough to work for clients. You think you are at a decent level to do some work to build your client portfolio.  You need to find that 1 person […]

If You Want To Change Your Life, You Need To Associate Yourself With…

If you want true success (however that may look for you) you need to live a life that requires a lot of energy. After all, success comes to those that work for it. There is a saying that you are the result of the 5 closest people you associate yourself with every day. You are […]

Supercharge Your Own SEO-Content!

To start out, I’m going out on a limb here. If there’s anybody that is a business owner, or has their own e-commerce website and wants to save a fair amount of money from hiring a content writer to promote your goods and services, then this article is for you. I’m a firm believer that […]

Why You Need To Learn UX writing

What is UX writing? This is the first thing that pops into your head when you read this headline. UX is short for user experience. The goal is to guide, educate and explain anything about your product or service you are selling. This kind of writing is usually found in apps and gaming websites. Copywriters […]

How to Keep Your Small Business Afloat in Times of High Inflation!

When starting a business, the first thing that comes to mind is often the rewards we reap from it. As a former business owner, I used to only look at profits and always overlooked the expenses that went into maintaining business operations. Using this as an analogy, being the owner of a business is kind […]