Less than one short year ago, my daughter and son-in-law started talking about “Affiliate Marketing.” Was this the same as “Online Marketing?” No clue.
I myself had no idea, but as I started researching this online “thing,” all I knew, is that there seemed to be a whole different world “online” that I never knew existed. Even though my generation (not 50 yet, but close) works on computers, no one I worked with, and none of my immediate family members would ever believe you can make money online… and I wasn’t so sure you could make money either, to be honest.
After watching hundreds of You Tube videos about it, I became a little addicted. OK, a lot addicted. And I asked myself, “could this be for real?” Are people really making a living online posting ads, creating videos, and selling other people’s products? I thought to myself, not everyone could be lying about making money online, or could they?
Come to present day, after researching and trying to promote other affiliate marketing offerings, getting a little to a lot frustrated teaching myself about creating ads, setting up funnels, etc… I wasn’t so sure I could ever get the hang of being an affiliate marketer. Then my daughter, Clarissa, and son-in-law, Brandon, introduced me to Smartr Marketing. I gotta tell ya, in the first 5 minutes, I was convinced! Finally a software that I can understand and makes sense! I don’t know about you, but for me, I must believe in the product or service that I am promoting, or I want nothing to do with it!
I now enjoy being able to help small businesses by giving them access to Smartr Marketing. Businesses that might never have been able to afford their own app or referral system. It is so innovative in my eyes, and at the same time, I can make a substantial living helping other people. For me, this was a win-win situation! I cannot wait to see where Smartr Marketing takes me. All I know is, my life and financial situation are about to change, and I am so ready for the ride… are you?
Debi Carr