

Is affiliate or multi-level marketing better?

I think multi-level affiliate marketing is best, which is the whole reason I created Smartr Marketing, but since it is a new concept to some, a lot of people may not know the difference… or that there is a better to option to begin with. So, getting back to basics, is affiliate marketing better? Or […]

Investing: Software vs. Everything Else

Did you know that if you had invested $100 dollars in Bitcoin in 2011, by 2015 you would have made a 137,000% return on your money? I cannot remember exact figures, but I am pretty sure Peter Thiel made something like a 2,000 times return on his initial investment in Facebook. Just about every software platform I […]

How can I become rich without money to invest?

Sales. Sales is the highest paid profession on the planet. You just need to sell something you believe in, sell something that gives solid monthly recurring payments, and sell something most people need. The power of modern-day affilate programs are unbelievable, and everyone has the potential of using them to make money. And if you […]

How to Talk to Your Partner about Money

Even with the best communicators and the most loving relationship, talking about the budget, bills, spending, and big purchases more often than not can quickly transform a simple statement taken the wrong way into a Titanic-sized disaster. It’s no wonder why money is the number one underlying root of most arguments between couples. Even in […]