

Sales 101: Compounding Efforts Consistently

We all know what compound interest is, right? It’s when you add up all of the interest you have made on your investments, time and time again – which can ultimately show you substantial growth. This is why we tell our children they should start saving cash as soon as they can, rather than trying […]

Cash Flow – Why so Important?

There are over 29 million small businesses in the United States making up 99.7% of all businesses. One third of those will fail within 2 years of starting with only 50% surviving the five year mark. 82% of those small business failures are due to cash flow issues. That’s a staggering number to consider for […]

Choosing the Right Career for Your Life

Choosing your career is one of the most stressful things we can ever face in our adult lives. This single decision can make or break our entire future. Unfortunately, for most of us, we come across this question when we’re not yet ready to answer, even though we must. This can lead to wrong decisions, […]

Freelancing vs. 9-5, the Millennial Dilemma.

woman leaning on wall

If you are a millennial, your parents were probably born in the 60’s, a time where struggle was the order of the day. We think there is struggle now, but the 60’s were a different monster. It was a time of government sanctioned racial discrimination, social strife, and little access to education. People who had […]