

Financial freedom… really attainable?

One day, I woke up and said “this is not it!” There has to be something bigger and more to life than just going to work every day doing the same thing over and over. Way too redundant for me. Doesn’t anybody want to be free? They can go where they want, when they want, […]

Sales 101: Price vs. Cost

If I were to break down the difference between price and cost, I would simply say that PRICE is what you pay for something at the register or during the point of the sale, while COST is how much that thing ends up costing you over time. I remember years ago when my clutch started […]

Does watching TV make us happy?

The rise of digital devices such as mobile phones, computers, and televisions changes the way we live and treat each other. According to the Pew Research Center, “About 6 in 10 young adults in the U.S. primarily use online streaming to watch TV.” Watching TV has spread in a vast era, carried out by many […]

How to Successfully Run a Social Media Management Agency

Social media marketing has been trending as a topic in the online world since, well, forever. After businesses realized that social media can be used for generating leads and getting new clients, the need for successful online presence significantly increased. The effectiveness of social media marketing created a need that can only be fulfilled by […]

Why Entrepreneurs Should Get Loads of Healthy Sleep

Why Being an Entrepreneur You Should Take a Healthy Sleep

Your effectiveness is defined by how healthy of an entrepreneur or employee you are. But the question is, why is a healthy dose of sleep so important? Well, there are many facts regarding health; but one of them is good sleep. Sleep is founded as one of the major contributing components of human health and […]

Is Entrepreneurship The Right Career Path For You

The choices we make and the habits we build will shape and define our life’s path. However, making a decision is not an easy process. To make the right decision that truly resonates with you as a person, it takes a lot of courage and self-reflection.   Deciding what you are going to be in […]

How to boost your sales with social prospecting.

Nowadays, many companies rely on social prospecting as a way to boost their sales and get new clients. In the past, prospecting was seen as an ineffective marketing approach and avoided by marketing experts simply because it looked “spammy.” Many marketers nowadays claim that social media prospecting is not effective. This claim is far away […]

How can I become rich without money to invest?

Sales. Sales is the highest paid profession on the planet. You just need to sell something you believe in, sell something that gives solid monthly recurring payments, and sell something most people need. The power of modern-day affilate programs are unbelievable, and everyone has the potential of using them to make money. And if you […]

Six of the Best Work From Home Jobs

We live in a world that provides many opportunities for remote work. The digital economy made the business world smaller and opened doors to many young professionals. Nowadays, it’s easy to find a job online because platforms like Upwork, Jobrack, Smartr, and Craigslist offer many opportunities to freelancers and businesses to get to the right […]

The Entrepreneur’s Mantra

Starting your own business is like raising a child. First, you have to invest yourself, your time, your undivided attention, and all of your money. You must take care of it, while expecting nothing in return. But when it starts to blossom, it makes all the patience and hard work worthwhile. It’s the same in […]