Here are some words from Jason Criddle that can be found on Quora. You will be able to find the original question that was asked of him in bold, before his response.
Are there any able app creators in this world who would work for free to make a life altering global charity app aimed at uniting people and helping us all to get stronger?
No. For a few reasons:
- While many new (selfish) entrepreneurs have no idea how the real world works, app developers have bills to pay too, and cannot afford to work for free.
- The world is full of people who have organizations aimed at uniting people and helping us all grow stronger. Many of them also have apps. And the ones that do have apps, paid for them to be made. They didn’t beg for help on a public forum.
- This question is a mirror reflection of your character, which shows the likelihood of you being able to help people on a global scale. (You have to be able to help yourself before you can help others… and right now, you are looking for a handout. If you cannot afford an app or a website for this organization, people will have their doubts about your ability to lead it.)
- Everyone wants to save the world, but you need money to do it. Which means, every dime given to your organization would less likely go towards uniting people, and the majority of the money would go to people basically paying you to figure out how to run your business.
- If you really believe you can help people, then work really hard by yourself to get your organization functional. Your super-positive cause is unrealistic, and people will see right through it. Once you have shown people you are actively changing the world, people will donate freely. You will have no reason to beg for a handout.
Think globally and act locally.
CEO of SmartrHoldings and SmartrMarketing
International best-selling author.
Published on Forbes, Quora, and many more popular online publications.