

Can I really make money with MistPlay?

Sure… it pays, but let me tell you a little about how ads work, so you understand how time you lose to make money from these platforms. When I pay for an ad, I am paying for someone to click or engage with my ad. Well, it can take dozens of people scrolling by before […]

How to Stop Money From Getting in the Way of Love

Couple fighting

Boy meets girl, girl meets boy, they exchange numbers, they hang out, they make it official, and suddenly there is trouble in paradise. The problem, finances! All of a sudden the popular phrase, no romance without finance comes to mind. It is well-known that a lot of promising relationships fall through because of finance related […]

5 Lifestyle Changes to Help you Beat Insomnia Today


We all have big dreams, big plans and ambitions or at least most of us do. These plans are broken down into daily detailed schedules and courses of action, none of which can be done effectively without a proper night’s sleep. Sleep is your brain’s version of a break, although your brain doesn’t really shutdown; […]

Is There Any Room Left?

In today’s society it seems like everybody is successful and I’m missing out on the world! Every where I look people are gaining wealth and living in abundance doing what they want to do. Then again that’s my perspective on life.  You ask somebody else and they may say something totally different. I feel like […]

Guide to Affiliate Marketing and Mistakes You Should Avoid

Affiliate marketing is the main practice by which you can earn while blogging or from your website. To earn a handsome amount from affiliate marketing, first you have to learn about the affiliate marketing so you can do it like pro. In affiliate marketing, product owner or seller provides the links with unique affiliate ids […]

Effectiveness of Content Marketing

Over four billion people use the internet today. Daily, there has been a significant increase of these internet users. This means that any content shared on the internet reaches a vast population, and that is the dream of every marketer. As a marketer, while you may enjoy massive information outreach, there is also chance that […]

The Game of Entrepreneurship

I’ve come to realize this entrepreneurship thing is not easy. I don’t know what I was thinking when I jumped into this game, like I was going to be great at it in my rookie season. But, how often are there great rookies?  You have prodigies that come in the league that are just heads […]

Can you be your own boss?


“Be your own boss” is the clarion call from big name entrepreneurs, motivators, and life coaches. It is a call to action that leaves a lot of people tongue tied, speechless, and even springs some to action. A lot of people stay rooted in their spot in the face of this call to action, because […]

Starting Entrepreneurship with No Fear

Why does fear stop most entrepreneurs? How does one overcome fear? Why does the fear that you make up in your own head stop you? The truth is, you must cut off fear to become a true entrepreneur. Fears started racing in my mind the second my husband brought our business opportunities to me. I […]

Big Dreams < Massive Action

If I asked a room full of people if they wanted to be slim and fit, how many people do you think would raise their hands? If I asked a room full of people if they wanted to co-star in a blockbuster movie with their favorite actor/actress, how many do you think would raise their […]